10 February 2011


hai readers!
lame x update blog.

al-maklum lah,bile pulang ke kampung halaman,xde line internet.hehe.:)


yang ke-25 tuh.
wah2,ulangtahun jubli perak nih*betul ke?* hehe.
saya bangga menjadi nur ain *cahaya mata* kalian berdua.
i always pray for your happiness ever after.
i love both of you soooo much.
i will make you two proud of me one day.
*even.papa had said that,i already make him proud*
i promise that i will continue my study to a higher level as much as i can.
i am dreaming of the title Dr.
*Dr. Nur Ain Binti Saparudin*:)
it is not the doctor at the hospital or clinic,i want the title Dr. which is the title for a PhD holder *if i'm not mistaken*.
papa had said that,he want one of his children to have a PhD.
i will try for it.insyaALLAH.
do pray for me.
that's all.

owh,kakak lupe papa ada minta hadiah untuk anniversary jubli perak,tunggu kakak cuti bulan April nanti yea.hehe.

*bile2 ain rajin,ain post entry about last holiday yea,tu pun kalau RAJIN la.hehe.:)*

baca je?comment la.:)

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